Behaviour & Concerns

He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata 

Goodwill towards others is a precious treasure 

Behaviour and Concerns 

 What to do

1 - Treat complaints seriously and discuss the behaviour with your child using the matrix below.

2 - Report incidents as soon as possible, and ensure your child has spoken to the teacher. 

3 - If your child is not confident enough, let the teacher know immediately. 

4 - If your concern has not been resolved contact the Team Leader of the Year Group your child is in. 

If needed, follow the Concerns and Complaints Process.

Bullying is targeted, deliberate and harmful behaviour that is repeated, or continues over a period of time. It may include

Bullying can occur at school, outside school, and/or online. 

Bullying Support Draft 2023

Behaviour Management Strategy  


At Arrowtown School, by teaching, modelling and reinforcing positive behaviours, we shape our environment to support and empower our people to GO For GOLD and become confident, adaptive and connected. 


The following principles are vital to our success in behaviour management at Arrowtown School: