Learning Support


Student Support Co-ordinator

Shirley Forrest

Student Support Teacher

Yvonne Culling

Reading Recovery Teachers

Rose Sutherland

Shirley Forrest

Learning Assistants

Sian Sanford

Kris Farrier

Julie Schiller

Martha Swan

Julia Matulino

The Student Support programme provides assistance to children who require extra help in literacy and numeracy. Children are referred to the student support programme by classroom teachers on the basis of ongoing assessment.

Parents are notified when their child is about to receive extra support. We encourage parents to come and observe their child in the programme.

Reports are sent home as students complete the programmes.

We strongly believe one programme does not cater for all and we need to explore what may work best for each individual case.

Whilst data is very important, some of our children may not reach expected levels. Progress must be acknowledged and confidence and self-esteem are huge factors for these children.

We are very aware of inclusive practices and the ultimate aim is to have children working in their classrooms but do feel there is a place for ‘pull out’ specialised programmes and firmly believe that the students feel positive about their time on our programmes.

Below are outside agencies we can refer to for extra guidance when dealing with concerns around learning and behaviour:

RTLB- Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour

RLit -Resource teacher of Literacy

GSE Group Special Education

Queenstown Family Centre

Big Buddy Programme

Further Help:

Supporting Parents Directory

Southland Autism Support Group

Some useful information

Reading & Spelling at Home

Dyslexia Information

TKI inclusive Education Website

Dyslexia Foundation Website

Autism NZ Website