Getting to school



Only certain children are eligible to travel on school buses. They need to meet the following Ministry of Education requirements:

Criteria 1: The school must be the closest state or state integrated school the student can enrol at.

Criteria 2: Students must live more than  3.2 kilometres from the school, over the shortest public road or pedestrian route from home roadside gate to the school’s front gate.

Criteria 3: There must be no suitable public transport options.

For more information about eligibility, please click here

Bus Controller

Joe Bailey is our Bus Controller. If you have any queries please contact Joe by email or via the school office.

Bus Times & Stops: Please be at the stop 5 minutes before the stated pick up time and outside of cars.


Gibbston / Speargrass

Crown Range / Morven Ferry

Go Bus

 The school bus service is run by Go Bus. They are contracted to the Ministry of Education.

Contact Information for Go Bus is:

Phone: 03 451 0090


Registration - In Zone

If you are living in the school zone, please register your child/ren for the school bus using this form -->

Registration - Out of Zone

If you do not qualify for free school transport (you live outside the school zone or within 3.2kms of the school), your child may still be able to take one of the three school buses.

If you are living out of the school zone and wish to register your child/ren, please fill in this form -->


Children are encouraged to walk, bike and bus to school and choosing a safe route to school is important. Please see below for the best paths to take when walking or biking to Arrowtown School.



The school supports the Land Transport recommendation that only students 10 years and over have the road sense and judgement to be able to bike on their own on public roads. Children are not to ride bicycles in the school grounds and must park their bikes in the stands.

Bus Safety

For the safety of our children please adhere to the following procedures when dropping off and picking up children from school buses:


A "drop off" zone operates within the school grounds before school. It can get very busy so we expect parents to drop their children off and move off promptly. The "drop off" zone does not operate at the end of the day as that area is just too busy. 

There are yellow lines along  Chalmers Place for very good reasons.  The mixture of cars, bikes and pedestrians puts children's safety at risk and there have been a number of reports of "near misses"  because of people parking in this area.  NO PARKING OR DROPPING OFF IN CHALMERS PLACE. 

Road Patrol

The road crossing on Centennial Avenue is manned before school each day from 8:30 to 9:00 and after school from 3 to 3:10. An adult supervises the crossing and children assist as road wardens in the afternoon.

Staying at School

Once students arrive at school they are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless they are signed out at the school office by a parent or guardian. They must also be signed back in on their return.