A-Z General Information


Please phone the school office or email absences@arrowtown.school.nz between 8.00am and 9.00am on each morning your child is absent. Teachers record the names of absentees at 9.00 a.m. and, if a child is unaccounted for, parents will be contacted. If you know your child will be absent in advance please email the school office and your child's teacher.

You can also mark your child's attendance in the HERO app!


If a child has an accident or becomes ill we try to contact parents as soon as possible. If we are unable to contact you, it may be necessary to contact the emergency person listed and ask for their assistance. Children are not sent home unless their parents have been informed and must be accompanied by an adult. Please contact the school if emergency contact details change.


Please clearly name your child's clothing. The lost property shelf is outside the office. Clothing not claimed at the end of each term is given to a charitable organisation.

Students are discouraged from bringing valuable items to school. 


Our procedures for any concerns can be found here.


Children in New Zealand are entitled to free basic oral health care services until 17 years of age. 

If you would like your child to receive this free service please click on this link to complete the online enrolment form.

Or telephone the clinic – 034509370 or Freephone 0800 570 300 – we are located at 19A Douglas Street, Frankton, Queenstown

If you are not a New Zealand resident there is a criteria to be met in order to receive free care, please ask the dental staff before enrolling.


The overall goal of our school is to create and maintain a cybersafe culture that is in keeping with the values of the school, and legislative and professional obligations. The below agreement includes information about your child’s obligations and responsibilities. 




If your child needs to take medication at school, please complete an authorisation form. Medication is given by the office staff and any medication given will be recorded in the school medication register. 

No oral medication is administered without parent permission. Office staff will phone a parent to get permission.


All information relating to students and their families is confidential. From time to time parents request information such as addresses and phone numbers. Under the Privacy Act this information cannot be given out.


8:55                                 Children go to their classrooms for a 9.00 a.m. roll.

9:00                                 School commences

10:30-10:40              Read and feed

10:40-11:00               Morning interval

12:30-1:25                Lunch break

3:00                                End of school day


Arrowtown School's policies and procedures can be found at School Docs

Username = arrowtown

Password = goforgold


We have partnered with a NZ owned and operated supplier, Qizzle, to provide stationery requirements online. 

Qizzle will ensure you get the correct stationery that is needed at the best pricing. Arrowtown School also benefits from all the stationery purchases through rewards points too, which will go back into funding more resources for the children.  Ordering can be done via www.schoolpacks.co.nz; select Arrowtown School and then select the child’s year level and add it to the cart. The stationery will then be delivered directly to your house.


Should your address or phone number or your emergency contact or family doctor change during the year, please inform the school office as soon as possible.


The school uses the following services as necessary - Special Education, Speech Language Therapists, Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour (RTLBs), Resource Teachers of Literacy, Teachers of the Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired, Police Education Officers, Central Lakes Family Services, Pivotal Point etc. 

You will be informed beforehand should the school wish to access these services.

Central Lakes Family Services 

With an emphasis on positive parenting along with building empathy and self esteem in children and adolescents, Central Lakes Family Centre exists to strengthen relationships within families/whānau and our community. Through our professionally trained clinicians we are committed to working with the community, primary health, local government and NGO service providers to optimise and ensure positive outcomes for children, adolescents and their families/whānau are achieved.


Children are referred to this service for a variety of reasons. These can include:

These sessions give children an opportunity to develop strategies to manage the challenging’s they face and explore solutions. Alongside the work with the individual we provide support for Parents around the issues that their child is facing.

If you think your child could benefit from this service then please contact your child’s teacher to discuss further or contact Central Lakes Family Services.


Karina Anderson (Public Health Nurse) visits Arrowtown Primary School 1 - 2 times a term  (or as required or requested).

Karina is available for Free Child and Youth Health services including:

Karina can be contacted directly at the numbers below:

Vision & Hearing Technician (VHT)

The Vision & Hearing Technician screens:


Occasionally school needs to be closed or delayed because of weather conditions.

If it snows overnight (or the roads are unsafe), school closure, delayed starts or the cancellation of bus services will be announced through the local radio stations (More FM and Classic Hits) from around 7 a.m. onwards. We will use our text messaging system, the homepage of the school website and the school Facebook page to post notices regarding “snow” days, as close to 7am as we can.

If it snows during the day, school will stay open. School buses will not run early. If it is judged unsafe for buses to run at the end of the day, children will be kept at school until they are picked up by their parents. Wait until it is safe to drive before you come to pick up your children; there is no need for you to drive in hazardous conditions. Your children will be well looked after at school. It may even be that some children need to stay here after school or even overnight in extreme conditions. 


Sun hats are compulsory in Terms 1 and 4. Hats must be wide brimmed. The Board of Trustees provides a free sunhat to new entrant children. These hats are also on sale via MyKindo for $25.00.