
We have three lunch options available: 

Suma's Sushi on Mondays

 Sausage Sizzle Wednesdays

Francesca's Pizza on Thursdays

Working together with Kindo and ezlunch, our school offers you a simple and quick way to view and pay for items and order lunches.

To Get Set Up:

Click myKindo login to begin.

New Users can select the Create an Account or Join option.

Existing Users can simply enter their email and password to login.

Payment options:

Internet banking, instant transfers, and credit card options available.

Visit for more information on payment options.

Online tutorial:

Click here for a short tutorial on how to use Kindo.

myKindo app:

Search “myKindo” app on Google Play or the App store to download.

Need assistance? The Kindo helpdesk is open 8am to 4pm weekdays. 

Freephone: 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636) 


Online support:

07. Kindo Tips - Arrowtown School.docx